Notice to Authors   From Page 63:  Guideline for Authors 2017  


Guideline for Authors 2017


These guidelines are in accordance with the ‘Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals’, a document issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.  The complete document is published in Medical Education 1999; 33:66 -78 and can be viewed at  . 


IJM is an international peer-viewed Medical Journal with distribution to readers in more than 209 countries and territories.  The journal seeks to be the pre-eminent journal in the field of patient care and education for health-care professionals and aims to publish material of the highest quality reflecting world wide or provocative issues and perspectives.  The contents will be of interest to learners, teachers and researchers, and, potentially, have a significant impact on the health-care.  The journal welcomes papers on any aspect of health care issues and medical education.  The predominant emphasis in IJM is on work related to the care of patients and in healthcare education. 


The journal’s education and research mission

Manuscript submitted to IJM may be used for teaching and research purposes with potential authors and reviewers.  Authors and reviewers may be asked from time to time to take part in surveys.  Every effort will be made to protect confidentiality.


Submission of manuscripts

Five copies of manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor, IJM, Association of Health Care Professionals publications and Education Services, Kemp House, 152 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, England, United Kingdom. Tel/Fax: +44 7438154888, E-mails: or or Websites: and


All manuscripts are not considered on the understanding that they have not been published previously in print format nor are they under consideration by another publication or medium. A covering letter signed by all contributing authors must be included with the manuscript.  The contribution made by each author to the manuscript and the work described should be set out in the covering letter.  Information concerning funding for the work should be included in the manuscript.  If a manuscript has been reviewed by another journal and subsequently rejected, it is usually helpful to include copies of the comments made at that stage along with a note of any changes introduced.


Criteria for manuscripts

All manuscripts should meet the following criteria: the writing is clear and the information important and likely to be of interest to an international audience.  For research papers, the study methods should be appropriate and the data valid, and both discussion papers and research papers, the conclusions should be reasonable and supported by data or evidence.  Papers are selected for peer review and publication on these criteria.  We publish around 35% of manuscripts received each year.


Title page with full title and subtitle (if any). For the purpose of blind refereeing, full name of each author with current affiliation and full address/phone/fax/email details plus short biographical note should be supplied on a separate sheet.


Editorial and Peer Review

All submitted manuscripts are read initially by the editor.  One or more associate editors may also be involved in early decision making.  Papers with insufficient priority for publication are rejected at this stage- sometimes with advice about resubmission in a different category.  Other manuscripts are sent to experts in the field for peer review.  The review process is blinded so that author identity, and usually reviewer identity, is not revealed, however, some reviewers choose to sign their comments.  Guidelines for reviewers are available from the editorial board or from out web site: .  We aim to give at least an initial decision within 6 weeks.  All accepted manuscripts are edited according to the journals style and returned to the author as page proofs for approval.  Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work.  Ten offprints are supplied free.  A fast tracking system is in place for selected manuscripts.  Such papers are published rapidly and their authors should be prepared to use email and fax to deal with proofs and queries.


Categories of manuscript

IJM publishes original research papers, review articles, discussion papers, special feature pieces, short reports of research in progress or of educational innovation, or disease management, commentaries, letters to the editor, conference reports and book and video reviews.  Specific guidelines are shown below:


Original research: up to 4,000 words with a maximum of five tables and figures and 30 references using the Vancouver style; there must be a structured abstract of no more than 250 words and the paper will usually be organised using the Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (AIMRAD) structure.  The context of the words and your choice of methods used for analysis must be clear in the text.  Qualitative and quantitative research are welcomed equally; summary points* should be included in a box in the text.  Review articles: up to 5,000 words worth more freedom on the number of references; summary points* should be included in a box in the text.  Discussion papers: up to 3,500 words with up to two tables/figures; summary points* should be included in a box in the text.  Commentaries: up to 1,000 words and no more than 10 references.  Short Reports: up to 1,000 words and one table or figure; 5 references.  Letters to the Editor: up to 500 words


*Summary points (3-5 bullet points) summarising the key messages of the paper should be provided for review and reference.


Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the uniform Requirements for manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.  We encourage the use of the active voice, short sentences and clear sub headings in the text.  The typescript should be on A4 paper on one side only, double-spaced with a wide margin on either side.  Do not provide a floppy diskette with the initial submission.  The name, address, fax, email and telephone numbers of the corresponding author must be included in the covering letter and shown on the title page of the manuscript.


The title page should give both a descriptive title and a short title.  The names, qualifications and affiliations of all authors, and the full postal address, including telephone number, fax and e-mail details of the corresponding author should be given.


The main text should start on a separate page and sections within the text should be appropriately sub-headed.  Authors are advised to spell check their work properly. Both numbers and percentages should be given (not percentages alone) when relevant. 


Where statistical methods are used in analysis their use should be explained in the setting of the study and a footnote or appendix given if the method is particularly unusual or complex.  For authors using qualitative methods and extended methodology section that includes a consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of the approach used should be included.


All pages should be numbered.  Do not use abbreviations.  All scientific units should be expressed in SI units.


Electronic artwork we would like to receive your artwork in electronic form.  Please save vector graphics (e.g. line artwork) in Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS), and bitmap files (e.g. half-tones) in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).  Ideally, vector graphics that have been saved in metafile (WMF) or pict (PCT) format should be embedded within the body of the Text file.  Detailed information on our digital illustration standards is available from our publishers as follows.  Keep a copy of the original manuscript for reference.  An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent by the journal.  Manuscripts rejected for publication will not be returned.  Once a paper is accepted for publication authors are asked to sign a form assigning copyright to International Medical Publishing Group (IMPG) – .


Proofs can be sent via email to the authors, or posted if preferred.              


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