Profile of Dr Omar Juma


DR OMAR A.JUMA, MD, MPH -Dr Omar A. Juma is a physician and researcher based in Bagamoyo, Tanzania,  He has worked with Ifakara Health Institute(IHI) for over fifteen years.   At this institue he is a Senior Research Scientist, Project Leader,  Research and Public Engagement Coordinator for the institution. 


The work of his organisation focuses on public health research and training within the community. Our organisation has a longstanding history of doing research in National and international level. 


Dr Juma has both a medical and public health backgrounds, having completed his medical degree training and  his public health training in Australia. He has worked  on malaria,TB, COVID 19, research and vaccines,WASH,Innovation,and others and he has done broad clinical and public health research on community based health.  He created network of community health workers and Community Advisor Board(CAB) in Bagamoyo district.


Dr Juma is also the President of the African Region for the Association of Health Care Professioansl (AHCP), and its Membership Services, including the International Association of Health Care Professioanls (IAHCP) Society in the African Region.  He is also a Trustee/Director for the IAHCP and the various collabarting Organsions internationally.


He is a member of the International Editorial Boards for the various IAHCP Society Journals and other pubications for the collabrating Organsiations.


Dr Omar Juma is also a Trustee/Director of the Association of Health Care Professionals, Bulgaria (AHCPBG).


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